Do you accept health insurance?
IMPORTANT NOTICE: There is an error on Anthem’s (and possibly Aetna’s) subscriber website. They currently do not list our providers as accepting insurance in our North Chesterfield / Midlothian office. This is an error. We are working on fixing it. It will likely take a few weeks. This only affects the provider directory. We CAN still accept your insurance, and your insurer will still pay.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield (including, but not limited to Anthem and Elevance): Accepted by all of our providers. Jenny Heatwole will not appear in Anthem’s records because she files her claims through Mike Pease’s account. She can, and does, accept your insurance. Please see notice above.
Aetna: All of our providers except Dr. Young accept Aetna. Jenny Heatwole will not appear in Aetna’s records because she files her claims through Mike Pease’s account. She can, and does, accept your insurance. Please see notice above.
Tricare: All of our providers except for Jenny Heatwole accept your insurance.
Medicare and Medicaid: Our therapists do NOT accept Medicare plans, Medicare supplemental plans, and Medicaid plans. Anthem Healthkeepers Plus and Aetna Better Health are Medicaid plans, so we cannot accept them.
If you have an in-network insurer, you will normally only be charged a copay unless you have a deductible. We recommend calling your insurer before coming in to find out your copay and deductible, if any.
This fee covers a full 60 minutes, though our sessions are 53 minutes, as it includes additional time for preparation and note-taking. Our therapists spend a considerable amount of time above and beyond this pursuing continuing education, attending professional conferences and trainings, and researching clients’ conditions and how to better treat them.
What if I have another insurer?
If our therapists are not considered in-network with your insurance company, we recommend checking your out-of-network benefits to find out how much of our fee might be covered. Companies such as United and Cigna often have very good out-of-network benefits so we highly recommend checking.
We do not accept Medicare (or Medicare supplemental plans) or Medicaid, and they will not reimburse you for any portion of the fee. Anthem Healthkeepers Plus and Aetna Better Health are Medicaid plans, so we cannot accept them.
Is teletherapy or online therapy covered by insurance?
Teletherapy is almost always covered by insurance. You should call your insurance company to find out whether teletherapy is covered by your plan. If they ask for a “Place of Service” code, that code is “02.”
If I have to pay out-of-pocket, how much do you charge?
Most of our providers charge $150 per session for out-of-pocket and out-of-network insurers. Jenny Heatwole offers a sliding scale between $70-150 per session. Dr. Young’s fee is $175 per session.